My Path

As a child, a few of my favorite things were solving puzzles, playing “counselor” to my friends, and organizing the family toy closet. My best subject in school was always math, so I decided to pursue a degree in Mathematics at Iowa State University.  After graduating, I began a career in actuarial science and set out on the long-term goal of earning my FSA (Fellow of the Society of Actuaries) designation.

Several years and many actuarial exams later, my Fortune 500 employer made the decision to sell the subsidiary in which I worked, resulting in career evaluation and a lot of soul-searching. This, along with having one child and one more on the way, spurred me to research other career possibilities. Sometimes it takes a big life transition to realize your true passions and goals, and I had come to realize that a career in actuarial science wasn’t truly my lifelong passion. I wanted to be able to work with and help people more directly. In addition, I was finding that balancing a career with a family was difficult and saw others dealing with this same challenge.

The Start of Life Made Simple

In May 2005, Life Made Simple was born. I began the business with a creative partner and modeled after TLC’s “Clean Sweep” (see photo for a fan-girl moment with the show’s star, Peter Walsh). Our goal was to make life simpler for others by creating organized, beautiful spaces for them. Over the years, I determined my background, skills, and passions better served my clients in the business world and therefore transitioned to a full business focus. Now, I work to make life simpler for busy professionals by not only helping them to create organized spaces they love working in, but also by helping them manage their time and resources so they can reach their goals and have more time for the things and people that matter most.

…And Today

I believe all of these steps and experiences – 13 years as an actuary and risk manager in a Fortune 500 company, my personal role as wife and mother of three girls, community roles with various organizations, and my experience as a productivity consultant and coach – have provided me with a great understanding of how an organized and productive environment can impact all areas of life.

I’ve heard you should look at what you enjoyed as a child to see what your true calling in life should be. I feel blessed to have found a career where I get to solve problems, counsel/coach my clients, and use my innate organization skills to help people throughout the world.

I currently live in the Des Moines, Iowa suburb of Urbandale with my husband, three beautiful daughters, and two cats.

Learn a little more about my background and story in this short podcast with the Professional Podcast Network.


Certified Targeted Small Business in Iowa