The Only 5 Email Folders You Really Need

The Only 5 Email Folders You Really Need

How do you feel about email? If you're like many, just the mere mention of it brings feelings of stress and overwhelm. One of the largest challenges I see people face with email is the creation of folders for organization. Some have so many folders they have lost...

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Why I Love Cleaning Day

Why I Love Cleaning Day

Today is cleaning day at my house, one of my favorite days of the month. Before you think I'm crazy, I should tell you that I don't clean my own house...we hire someone to do that chore for us. About 10 years ago when I left my stable corporate career to start my...

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39 Tips for Simple and Efficient Travel Prep

39 Tips for Simple and Efficient Travel Prep

“Trip enjoyment is inversely proportionate to the amount of crap (re: distractions) you bring with you,” according to Tim Ferriss, author of The 4 Hour Workweek. I love to travel. I love the excitement of the journey and the fun of the destination. But, I do not enjoy...

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Change Your Password, Change Your Life

Change Your Password, Change Your Life

Let's face it. While passwords serve the needed purpose of protecting our digital information, most times they can just be a pain. To be effective, passwords must be changed often, be unique to each application, and contain a good mix of letters, numbers and...

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Are You Killing Your Team’s Productivity?

Are You Killing Your Team’s Productivity?

When someone chooses to follow me on Twitter, the follower receives a response asking "...what productivity-related topics would you like to see?" Most of the comments I receive in response relate to decluttering information, time management, or questions about...

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A Checklist for Tackling Digital Overwhelm

A Checklist for Tackling Digital Overwhelm

Recently, my Project Digital Sanity colleagues and I had the great opportunity to present to our peers at the NAPO conference in Phoenix. As part of this, we created a checklist for tackling the endless amount of digital information we receive daily. When we are...

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Organize Your Photos Like a Pro

Organize Your Photos Like a Pro

In the realm of digital information management, the storage and organization of photos may be one of the most difficult things to master.  With digital cameras, we can now shoot an unlimited number of photos easily, and editing programs allow us to customize the look...

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Reduce Procrastination with 3 Powerful Steps

Reduce Procrastination with 3 Powerful Steps

Many of us struggle at times with getting things done due to procrastination. There are many reasons that we might put something off for later; it is a task we don't enjoy, it appears overwhelming, we aren't prioritizing it, we don't have the right knowledge or tools...

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Care for Your Computer

Care for Your Computer

Recently I decided it was about time to clean the crumbs from my computer keyboard and couldn't believe the amount of dust and particles that shot out from under the keys.  While carrying out this small task, I noticed my screen was embarrassingly spotted and smudged...

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Preparing for the Unexpected

Preparing for the Unexpected

We spend a lot of time preparing for events that we expect to occur such as an upcoming presentation, a marathon, or the birth of a child.  Preparing for unexpected emergencies is often more difficult, but just as important.  September is designated as National...

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